A bit about me...
I've held the BHSAI certificate since 2005 and an Instructor of the School of Legerete since 2018. I am a fully qualified Human Movement Specialist 2023, Certified Personal Trainer 2024, Functional Training Coach 2019, ETM 2002 and Gym Instructor 2003. I have many years experience in both the fitness and equestrian world and continue with my education both in the equestrian and fitness world.
I have been riding since I was 7 years old, beginning in pony club with and progressing to compete both in show jumping and dressage with many varied horses. I have been teaching since 2003 where I worked as a working pupil at Ingestre Stables in Stafford, one of the countries leading BHS centres with two FBHS. Over the years I have forged my own path, coming away from competition and becoming more interested in enjoying the journey of training my horses for healthy movement.
I have been training many many clients over the past 15 years on my riding simulator to improve their seat and position. All of whom have come with their own difficulties, injuries and previous experiences. I also travel around Yorkshire teaching ‘The School of Lightness’ and Seat Clinics. If you have a suitable indoor venue and would like to organise a clinic please email me at hello@sitwellmethod.co.uk
I have drawn on all the above to formulate the SitWell Method to help you with specific positional and posture problems.
I have had to work on my own seat and posture. I have a long body with a lordotic back and short (and a little bit chunky) legs which isn’t the best shape to sit well on a horse! I have had three children, one of which was a difficult birth and one difficult pregnancy so I know all too well how pregnancy and childbirth can wreck your posture and core! Since 2010 I have been training regularly and teaching with the School of Legerete. This riding is all about light aids and being in a soft, harmonious place with your horse- non of which works if you’re unbalanced and don’t have the much talked about independent seat! The teacher training and required exam standard for the School of Legerete is second to none.